Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Monday, 30 January 2012

Eggleston & Shore

self imposed automatic directives

Inspired by Caroline Fraser's blogpost http://carolinescamera.blogspot.com/2012/01/whats-your-story-joys-of-automated.html I watched Kate Bingaman Burt's video on self imposed automatic directives - I like how she describes it as a way of working that gets you into all sorts of areas and stuff you just wouldn't have otherwise considered.

penultimate earth and sky?

Untitled by mdx

seems like earth and sky project is nearly done - so what comes next - well I guess february is a short month - so

Project ideas so far

Street photography - shoot a bunch of 35mm on the Olympus XA
Collaboration with Stefan - Medium Format shots of Stefan and booksellers
Printers of Borough - Medium Format portraits of printers outside old Borough print works
A303 heading west - a document of the road, the journey, the past

Sunday, 29 January 2012

A day out in Brighton

Had an interesting day out in Brighton shooting some street photography on a course ran by Andrew Newson. My first time focussing on street photography - need to get up closer and be bolder but got a few shots I'm pleased with.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Documentary Homework

Choose any three key words from the list.
Produce 3 digital images in relation to your selected Key words.
Images can be produced either on Digital SLR cameras, Compacts or Mobile Phones.

Are we not men? We are Devo!

I have stacks of old vinyl from different parts of my life - tho mostly from at least 20 years ago and before - and I was thinking as a way to deal with it all I’d start to photograph ones that interested me and then decide what to do with it - give it away or keep - I’d been playing with diptychs on the iPhone and this suited the approach - next time I’ll put the needle on the record - I like the idea of photographing objects as a way of deciding what to do with them.

Record, Document and Collection


Trying out secret iPhone photos of people on the tube - feels voyeuristic and slightly sleazy - why would I want to? And yet it’s strangely fascinating. Continuing the diptych theme I like the juxtaposition of the image - who is with who? What are they engrossed in? Are they next to each other? Etc

Voyeurism, Invasive and Candid


No 25 in a series I’ve been doing since the start of the year called “earth and sky” - (currently here http://www.flickr.com/photos/mdx/sets/72157628678887543/
many of the shots have just been empty sky and then the solidity of whatever on the earth - but combining with an object up in the sky makes for new tension in the image - 
Not sure if I’ll continue the series after this month or how it might mutate

- here’s the original earth and sky idea:

not sure how far this will get but the idea is:
every day as near to midday as possible take two photographs on the iPhone and combine them into one
a photo looking up to the sky
a photo looking down to the ground
that's it
maybe a small book of the images would make more sense

Evidence, Point-of-view and Diary

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Untitled by mdx

finishing the essay and having a few weeks break from study has been great
the hospital school book is coming together - nearly finished laying out the images - and tomorrow a day with Jo writing and tidying up the text

had grand ideas about photographing the countryside over the holidays - but in the end a holiday was what was needed - but now i'm back working I end up with plenty of ideas
earth and sky keeping me sane